Thanks to the Lincolnshire Bird Club for generously funding the cameras providing these images, and also for funding the live-streaming on YouTube.

Please contact me with any issues .If you would like to make a small donation towards the cost of hosting this website and also maintaining the cameras that send images to the screen in the church, please click the ‘donate’ button.

Many thanks.

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PLEASE NOTE: LIVE-STREAMING has now ended for this season,

but for the next few weeks, enjoy watching the progress of this Hobby nest in Dorset.

21 July

After many days, all three juveniles were seen in flight today with the adult male.

3 July

Some stunning aerial displays now, including food-passes between adult and juveniles.

28 June

The three juveniles are flying, but spend much of their time on the walkway waiting for the adults to bring in food.

26 June

Our third juvenile, XAT, successfully fledged at 12.45 today (photo below).

23 June

The first of our juveniles, X7T successfully fledged early this morning and is currently resting on the nave roof. Photo from our bedroom window.

Subsequently seen to be flying strongly, it eventually landed on the lower walkway, east side, where prey was brought in for it.

18.30. Second juvenile, X6T has just fledged and landed on the rectory chimney pot. X7T still on the lower walkway.

22 June

The juveniles enjoy short 'flights' to the new (and expensive) LED floodlights.

20 June

X7T plays with a woodcock head, as you do!

18 June

Footage from the west walkway. The male finds time to have a feed, which actually lasted 15 minues.

16 June

The two adults worked together to attack a passing Red Kite this afternoon. It ducked and dived, finally making its escape southeast over the town. See the Buzzard Log page for further details of these attacks

14 June

A rare sight now – all three juveniles being fed on the nest tray. This 15 minute video is on YouTube, click the image to access. First fledging this week?

12 June

The juveniles are active all around the walkways now as they begin to exercise and develop their wing muscles ready for fledging in a week or so.

10 June

An early morning feed on the southeast corner of the walkway. The juveniles spent most of the night sheltering from the heavy rain on the south walkway (where there is no camera!). With northerly winds, the south has marginally more shelter against the door to the spire void.

8 June

A noisy afternoon feed.

7 June

Video from the east walkway this afternoon. XAT is a little behind the other two in terms of development, so may be the last to fledge.

6 June

Juveniles on the east walkway this morning, just after being fed by the adult female. Fledging is expected during the second half of June.