2 January 2022

Reported: Peregrine pair on the base of the northwest pinnacle. Female devouring a black-headed gull.

3 February 2022

The nest tray was positioned yesterday – just in time as the pair were seen performing courtship displays around the spire. The cameras are also in position and working well. No live-streaming yet.

7 February 2022

First tentative visit to the nest by the female this morning

11 February 2022

First visit to the nest by the male this afternoon, eventually greeting the female, with courtship display taking place


1 March

Spectacular aerial displays by the pair this afternoon, part of the bonding/courtship process. Both birds are visiting the nest tray regularly.

6 March

One of a number of brief visits today

13 March

Mating on one of the gargoyles. Very brief – watch the opening at the lower right of the screen. The female is already present, and the male flies in...

22 March

The female slept for three hours on the nest last night. She did the same thing last March, she laid her first egg three days later. Any bets on an egg by the weekend?

26 March

First egg this morning at 03.13. 1 day earlier than 2021. She incubated until the male visited at 05.15, then left. Expect the second in a couple of days. Keep watching and buy our book, or donate to the Lincs Bird Club who paid for the views you are now seeing!

Later, in the afternoon, a red kite (becoming increasingly common in Lincolnshire) drifted north over the church, prompting alarm calls from the peregrines. See the Buzzard Log.

28 March

Second egg at 09.15.

30 March

Third egg today at 17.15. If there is to be a fourth, it should be in the early hours of 2nd April

2 April

4th egg arrived at 03.03 today. It's unlikely there will be a 5th as she had already started incubating after the 3rd egg was laid. We can expect the chicks to hatch between 5-7 May.

4 May

A busy afternoon. First chick emerged at 16.10 – only spotted when we saw the female eating an empty shell. Then, less than an hour later, the second arrived. The image below links to a YouTube compilation of birth to first feed.

May the 4th be with you!

5 May

Third egg hatched around 13.50. The chick can just be seen next to the eggshell

chick 3

6 May

4th egg hatched around 18.30

14 May

Just over a week old and growing fast.

There was some concern this afternoon after we received a report of an injured peregrine found in a garden in Louth and taken into care. This coincided with our male being absent for around 4 hours. Eventually he returned and we subsequently heard that the injured peregrine was a juvenile sparrowhawk. We did wonder what a peregrine was doing in a garden, but a worrying few hours!

24 May

The four peregrine chicks were ringed today under licence and were thought to be all females. A brief video below.
The remains of a black-tailed godwit, ringed in 2006, were found on the walkway.


3 June

First images from the east camera (the nestcam has been turned off). An early morning feed, followed by exercise.
Someone was seen on the walkway at 10.40 and disturbed the adults, who spent the nest couple of hours circling the tower uttering their alarm call. No sign of the juveniles since.


11 June

An early morning visitor.

15 June

The first juvenile fledged at 04.50 on the 14th and has remained on the nave roof ever since, calling for food. Ring ID VFF. Photo courtesy of Steve Plant.

16 June

VJF fledged this morning and is currently on the crockets above the bell chamber on the east side of the tower. VFF is beginning its 3rd day, unfed on the nave roof.

17 June

VJF successfully returned to the walkway during yesterday afternoon. VFF was flushed from a dangerous location on the church roof today and flew quite strongly to the roof of 68 Westgate.
I've been told that the third juvenile has fledged – no further information on that.
Live-streaming has now ended for this season

21 June

A joyous moment – our final juvenile VHF, fledged at 06.10 this morning.

1 July

The cameras have been removed and the walkway cleaned prior to reopening to visitors. Thanks to Dale, Steve and Chris for their help.
3 juveniles (VDF and VHF plus another) active along with both adults this evening.

A selection of pellets, typically around 4cm in length, were examined – just tiny bones and small feathers found.

18 July

The sighting of VJF this morning, consuming prey brought in by an adult, confirms that all four juveniles are still around.

23 August

Juveniles rarely seen now, and only the adult male in residence.

24 August

An unringed juvenile on the spire this evening

27 September

The male has been holding territory on and off for some weeks now, with the female joining him occasionally, as this evening.

13 October

Much calling from the female early this morning, prompting the male to depart at 07.30 to catch breakfast. He returned an hour later and shared prey with the female who was on the bell chamber slats on the south side of the tower.
The pair have been roosting together on the church since the beginning of the month.

22 November

Prey brought in this morning, with plenty of calling from the male. Both birds have stayed closer to their territory this autumn than in past years.

16 December 2022

I have just received the DNA confirmation that we had three females and one male this season. The male being VJF.